Steve Taylor - A Best Selling Author

Steve Taylor
Celebrated Lecturer and Author – Psychology and Spirituality

   I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Leeds Beckett University, and the author of several best-selling books on Psychology and Spirituality. Also I was a past chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society.

   My latest  new book is The Adventure: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening.. My other books include Extraordinary Awakenings, The Clear Light,  Out of the Darkness, Back to Sanity, The Calm Center, The Leap and Spiritual Science.

   Steves books have been published in 20 languages, while my articles and essays have been published in over 100 academic journals, magazines and newspapers. I  regularly appear in the media in the UK, including Radio 4’s Prayer for the Day and the BBC World Service. I  write blog articles for ‘Scientific American’, The Conversation and for Psychology Today.

  Eckhart Tolle has described his work as:

“…an important contribution to the shift in consciousness which is happening on our planet at present…..

Steve lives in Manchester, England, with his wife and three children.

My Published  Books are Available for Purchase

(Click on the Book Cover Below)

Steves Latest Book -The Adventure Step-by-step practices for cultivating spiritual awakening, from a renowned psychologist who has studied the phenomenon in hundreds of people.
DisConnected offers a new vision of human nature and a new understanding of human behaviour and social problems.
Extraordinary Awakenings When Trauma Leads to Transformation
The Clear Light Spiritual Reflections and Meditations
AUDIO COURSE - Return to Harmony From Turmoil to Transformation - From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away and we’re filled with a sense of well-being and harmony. But do these moments have to be so fleeting?
Spiritual Science Why science needs spirituality to make sense of the world Description: Is it possible that the biggest mysteries in the world can be solved not through science or spirituality alone, but through an approach that combines them both?
The Leap The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition)
The Calm Center Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening Description: These powerful meditations and poetic reflections comfort, inspire, and gently bring readers out of the harried, hectic day-to-day and back to the bedrock of peace, and even joy, of our true, essential, and authentic selves.
Not I, Not other than I The Life and Teachings of Russel Williams. Edited by Steve Taylor Description: Russel Williams is one of the most remarkable enlightened spiritual teachers of our time. After an early life of extreme hardship – leaving school at the age of 11, and becoming an orphan shortly afterwards – he underwent a spiritual awakening at the age of 29.
The Meaning Poetic and Spiritual Reflections Description: A collection of poems and pieces of spiritual insight, reflection and guidance in the tradition of Rumi and Walt Whitman. These poems by Steve Taylor show the experiential core of his best-selling books on psychology and spirituality.
Back to Sanity Healing the Madness of Our Minds Description: Have you ever thought that there might be something wrong with human beings, even that we might be slightly insane? Why is it that so many human beings are filled with a restless discontent, and an insatiable desire for material goods, status and power? Why is it that human history has been filled with endless conflict, oppression and inequality?
Out of the Darkness From Turmoil to Transformation Description: In Out of the Darknessnormal, bestselling author Steve Taylor tells the stories of more than 30 people who have undergone permanent spiritual awakening after intense trauma and turmoil in their lives.
Waking From Sleep Why Awakening Experiences Occur and How to Make Them Permanent Description: How much of your waking time are you fully awake? How often do you stumble through the day on auto-pilot, half asleep and out of contact with yourself, instead of feeling connected and alive? In this astounding book, Steve Taylor suggests that our normal consciousness is really a kind of ‘sleep’ from which we sometimes ‘wake up’, into a more intense and complete reality. Waking from Sleep provides what is perhaps the first ever clear explanation of higher states of consciousness, or ‘awakening experiences’.
Making Time Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds, and How to Control it Description: Why does time seem to speed up as we get older? Steve Taylor’s genre-busting, gripping book explores this all-too-familiar question… Why does time seem to drag when we’re bored or in pain, or to go slowly when we’re in unfamiliar environments? Why does it slow down dramatically in accidents and emergency situations, when sportspeople are ‘in the zone’, or in higher states of consciousness? “Making Time” explains why we have these different perceptions of time.
The Fall The Insanity of the Ego in Human History and the Dawning of a New Era Description: If alien beings have been observing the course of human history over the last few thousand years they might well have reached the conclusion that human beings are the product of a scientific experiment which went horribly wrong. Steve Taylor writes about the balance between the bright side of human achievement and the other devastating, dark side, that is war, patriarchy and social inequality.

Academic Articles

   There is a selection of essays and articles I’ve written over the last few years available. Many of them have been previously published, in popular magazines like Psychologies and Natural Health, spiritual magazines like Resurgence and Soul and Spirit, and in academic journals like The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. Some of them have never been published before.

   They cover my main interests: the nature of awakening experiences and their causes, the awakening effect of encountering death, the nature of time, the psychology of happiness, the origins of social pathologies like warfare and social inequality, and so on.

Some of my  academic papers, complete with abstracts and lists of references, but mostly these were written for a general readership.

These can be viewed here: