Getting Started with your Web Page

Building your own Web Site in AiCpto could not be Simpler

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Having your own Web Site Pages is Great for promoting and getting noticed

Firstly let us know you want to have your own web pages inside AiCrpto and send us what you want in it and we build it for you! It’s a Gift and free!

After letting us know you want your own web site pages, send us the following. The name of your Web Site (Your Authors name is recommended)

Email us with: a Top Image, Site Description, the text content of the pages, any other images and where you want them, any links you want your visitors to goto. Finally your contact details (We recommend leaving this as you will get unwanted SPAM/PHISHING – and just ask them to use your Blog on here. The easy way to format your web site as you want it is to use Microsoft Word or something similar if your using Apple Mac. Arrange everything on it as you want it to look like, then send it to us as an attachment at

To give you an idea what it will look like see Dr Tech’s Web Site, it does not need to look exactly like that but it is simple and effective.

Don’t forget that your Web Site is visible to the World, so be careful what your contents are!

Promoting your Web Site. After we publish it – we send you links that you can copy and paste on any email, Mobile text message and Social Media messages you send. This will send them to your web site inside AiCrpto

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