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Dr Tech

Welcome to my own internet Web Space

I write many books and articles on a wide range of subjects, but my main interest is in Social Science History.

“I have had many years experience of being an Educator, Graduate Management Consultant, Communication Computer Systems Designer in large Private and Public Organisations. I am now retired and devote my time to writing” – Dr Tech

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I have displayed excerpts from some of my published books and articles on here. Hard Prints of the full books is available on AiCrpto and Apple Books.

If you have not written a book before but would like to know how to create one, I have a great guide on how to start.

Excerpts From my Books

The Secret 3

” I have over the decades delivered Organisational and Management Training in many fields of Businesses both, Private and Public Institutions. During that time I have been fortunate to meet very successful people in a wide variety of Institutions – people at the top of their chosen ( or sometimes not) fields of occupation.

  There are many reasons why people get to the pinnacle of life, but essentially I have found that there is really only three parts as a corner stone to their success.

  I am going to share these three ‘secrets’ with you and above all show how you can develop these same essential personality skill traits.

 Unfortunately for the 80% of the general population, the education systems in place currently do not teach these 3 skill types of subjects and Educationalists are in the same category as well. They can not teach what they do not know. This situation is deplorable and I feel – short sighted for the general well being of society…”

Secret Eugenic Elite & A.i The threat of the Surplus Poor Classes

Designing the Ultimate Human Viral Killer

” Imagine where the nature of natural evolution has been over ruled by a single species, that by it’s very core is designed to procreate un-checked, consume resources in excess of what is needed, given intelligence enough to design mechanisms to kill others of it’s species, and destroy its environment and virtually every other organism it has contact with.

  Yes – that single species is you and me…..

  Science fiction writers over the decades have invented monsters in their novels, mass media and films, however there is nothing more monstrous than the average human being, that is apart from certain virus pathogens.” 

Creative Writing

” Everyone writes, but not everyone writes for pleasure….

  For the purpose of this book I will be providing you with the knowledge and tools to write a fictional short story,novel or book for others to enjoy. 

Writing a novel is easy. Writing a good novel is hard. That’s just life. If it were easy, we’d all be writing best-selling, prize-winning fiction….

  Frankly, there are a thousand different people out there who can tell you how to write a novel. There are a thousand different methods. The best one for you is the one that works for you.

In this book guide, I’d like to share with you what works for me. I’ve published six books on several different subjects.

  So you can guess that a lot of people find it useful. But you may not, and that’s fine by me. Look it over, decide what might work for you, and ignore the rest! If it makes you dizzy, I won’t be insulted. Different writers are different. If my methods get you rolling, I’ll be happy. I’ll make the best case I can for my way of organizing things, but you are the final judge of what works best for you. Have fun and . . . write your novel or book!

The Importance of Design

Good fiction doesn’t just happen, it is designed. You can do the design work before or after you write your novel. I’ve done it both ways and I strongly believe that doing it first is quicker and leads to a better result. Design is hard work, so it’s important to find a guiding principle early on. This article will give you a powerful metaphor to guide your design.

Our fundamental question is this: How do you design a novel?

For a number of years, I was a software architect designing large software projects. I write novels the same way I write software, using the “snowflake metaphor”. OK, what’s the snowflake metaphor?..” 

 The Magical Manager in Business

” I have got your attention……now let’s find out if you were born a natural manager or need serious re-education, well you are going to find out.

 In this book of I have not included any graphs, padding, managing academic babble and anything that is not relevant to the very serious skill of managing a business to success, these tend to be distractions and can be misinterpreted. Magical spells are not real either. How many reports do you read with graphs for example that you take any notice of…really, or just glaze over?

 Each section, format and content is specifically designed by the latest learning research in education, you will notice that each paragraph is no more than 5 lines of text. How people learn and retain information is linked to the average attention span of 240 seconds. This is recycled with the length of space of 10 seconds, hence the format of what you are reading now, the gap if you time it between each paragraph is 1 second….”

The Life and Times of Being Poor in Derbyshire

Glossop and the Dark Peak

” The origins of parochial poor relief extend back at least as far as the fifteenth century. With the decline of the monasteries, and their dissolution in 1536, together with the breakdown of the medieval social structure, charity for the poor gradually moved from its traditional voluntary framework to become a compulsory tax administered at the parish level.

Legislation prior to this point largely dealt with beggars and vagabonds. In the aftermath of the Black Death (1348-9) labour was in short supply and wages rose steeply. To try and keep this in check, several Acts were passed aimed at forcing all able-bodied men to work and keep wages at their old levels. These measures led to labourers roaming around the country looking for an area where the wages were high and where the labour laws not too strictly enforced. Some took to begging under the pretence of being ill or crippled. In 1349, the Ordinance of Labourersnone (36 Edw.III c.8) prohibited private individuals from giving relief to able-bodied beggars. “