Anthony Nez

 I was brought up as Christian in a British working class family in the North England. I left school at 15 and encountered many people and different employment roles at work

I studied with the Open University  in the 1990’s and gained a Honours Degree the Arts

Now retired,  I enjoy walking and learning about life amazing ways

“The many influences I have met along the great journey of life In poetic form…..”


The Last Stand

  “It came again last night to do a thorough my so fine and immeasurable in place or time.

  With this a warning came that to have it as your own could you Bly lead you to self ruin and leave on you own. So now write these poems in a last stand before this world let’s get my hand”.

  My Book contains all my Poems and also brief history of two Poets Basho and Hafez that inspired me along with a selection of their work that I admire.

  This is my first published work and I hope you enjoy reading it.