James Smith

Life in Images

Nature in motion....

James Smith - Author

'Exhibition Photography' - My no nonsense guide on getting the camera basics right to create truly exceptional images.

I specialise in nature – but every now and again if I see a ‘must have image’ – I capture it

  I am a 39 Year old Professional Photographer based in Glossop Derbyshire.

  I am very fortunate in being able to travel the world and capture nature in it’s natural environment. I use Canon Cameras with L series Lenses. They make all the difference in capturing the colour and definition of the subjects, a must for exhibition quality images”.

  I encourages anyone who is thinking of exploring nature photography to get to know their local neighbourhood – a view shared by many photographers. You don’t need to travel to far away exotic places to document your subject. All you need is imagination and patience….lots of patience!

  The world of wildlife has plenty of things to discover and is constantly changing – That’s the most exciting thing – finding those points of change and documenting them. I hope these collection of photographs encourage you in exploring the natural world.

The Photographs displayed above have been published open source and are now copyright free for your use.

Contact Me: You can get in touch by using A.i.Crpto Blog to discuss any images shown.