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Clients Published Books

These Books and Guides  have been printed by AiCrpto and are available to order

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Ordering Books or Guides

  Hard Printed Books and Guides by the Authors are Free to buy (Some Authors though may ask for payment for their work, where this is applicable it will be shown against their Book/Guide title above as PYMNT £)

  AiCrpto only Hard Prints Books and Guides when you order. As we are a non profit organisation we have to ask for printing expenses (around £2.50 per Book or Guide). So for example if you want three Books from an Author whose work is free this would be 3 x £2.50. + Plus Single Postage if applicable. We ask this as a donation, where applicable. We will notify you of the total cost before you confirm your order. Payment is secure by Paypal. You don’t need an account to use Paypal.

  Alternatively we can also send your chosen Book/Guide by electronically by .pdf – There is no Postage and additional printing expenses for this, but if an Author wants payment for their work we will invoice you before sending.  

  Ordering could not be simpler, just let us know the Title of the Book or Guide, the number required, whether delivery by .pdf email attachment,  or to be Hard Print Posted. (Postage UK  will be around £3.90 for 1 to 2 Books by Royal Mail)