AiCrpto – How to use your Blog

Use this helpful guide if you are not used to posting a Blog Post. A Blog (Post) can include text, photographs, links to other web sites.

heliconia, lobster claws, flora-8599119.jpg
Getting Started

To use the Aicrpto Blog System for Posting (Content) and Comment on other Posts – you have to be a Registered Client of – It’s Free!

A ‘Blog’ is a messaging system where you can create a ‘Post’, which is known as ‘Content’ and then receive comments on the Content you have Posted. If someone has added a comment on your Post ( they also have to be a Registered Client with us to do this) – you will be notified of the comment by email from AiCrpto – this runs 24 hours /365 days a year, so it’s in real time. Your Blog and Comments can be seen by anyone visiting AiCrpto from the world wide web, so you have to be careful what your content is on your Blog.

So what does a Blog Post look like? Well your reading one now….! It shows your chosen Client Name as the author, Date Posted and invites other to make a comment on your content. Their comments can be replied to by you, also you can edit your Blog Content, your own comments but not comments made by other people.

So how do I start? When you Register with us by using the Contact E-Mail on we create an ‘Account Dashboard’ for you which allows you to create a ‘Post’ and a simple Editor to create ‘content’ on your Post. When you log in this is where you are sent to. When Creating a Post keep things simple, I recommend writing your content on something like ‘Word’ or ‘Pages’ on a Mac, rather that typing it in your Blog Post as you go. You will just Copy then Paste the content text into your Blog Post where it says ‘Type/Add a block’ Don’t paste it into the top of the page where it says ‘Add’ Title as this is where you will Type in the title of your Blog (Don’t worry it is always a large letter size and is always in block letters. It self adjusts when you press ‘Publish’ You can add images to you Blog by using the Editor that appears on your Blog Page. Move your mouse over the Editor Icons the see what each does. When you are happy with your Blog Post Content just press ‘Publish’ and its live for everyone to see!

I suggest you play around with the Blog page Editor to see your best format. BUT DO NOT PRESS THE ‘PUBLISH’ Blue button – as your Blog will go live! There are excellent uTube videos on using Word Press Blog Editors – Just enter “Making a Word Press Blog Post” in the uTUBE Search Box.

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